RMS Offers Cost Effective Brazing Solutions
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7:00 am to 4:30 pm M-F (central time)
Call (847) 679-4642
Fax: (847) 679-4645
Why make a product from a solid piece of material or a casting? For a fraction of the material cost using stampings, screw machine products, you can braze a unit together. With the current high cost of primary metals, brazing can be a cost efficient alternative.
As the Midwest’s preferred brazing company, we have a reputation in this industry that is second to none. We not only save you time and money with our brazing services, but we will forward your product to its next destination in the supply chain.
Unlike our competitors who specialize in bright annealing, welding or other non brazing processes, RMS over sees the entire brazing process from start to finish.